Monday, July 11, 2011

Diet Center

Well, I am rejoining Diet Center after gaining back about 15 pounds. Totally my fault =) My daughter got married--lots of events there--and then my husband I just got back from the Atlantis. I reached my goal in 2008 and kept it off for four years, but now I am just like my car--time for a tune-up. I went into the center today and got started with Brittney. She was very sweet. Luckily, this time I dont have as much weight to lose and she said just by drinking more water I would really start to see the results. I am starting my Diet Center Plan tomorrow. I am going to do the Thermogenics Program for 3 weeks then switch over to the bars and shakes. My girlfriend Angela is doing Diet Center down in Southaven or Olive Branch, so I am glad to have a partner in crime. If anyone would like to join me in my journey, feel free to post on here or email me. Accountability makes all the difference when I need to lose weight. The girls at Diet Center help me reach that goal. I hope everyone has an awesome week.


JD said...

Thanks for your email, Stephanie. I need all the encouragement I can get. It's exciting to hear that you lost 40 pounds too with Diet Center. I am going to email you a recipe for a veggie lasagne they gave me at the center.Have a good week.

Ethan Williamson said...

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