Friday, October 12, 2007

I go to Diet Center too!


My name is Melissa, and I go to the Diet Center in Germantown, TN. I really like the program too. My physician recommended Diet Center. Have any of you tried any of the Diet Center recipes that they give out in the center? I made the Diet Center Lasagne and it was awesome! My family did not know and they thought I was cheating on my Diet Center program.

I live in Collierville, but the Diet Center in Germantown is the closest location for me. They do not have a Diet Center in Collierville. I hope they do. It would be much closer.

If anyone else that attends Diet Center in Germantown or Diet Center in Memphis would like to join up as walking buddies, please let me know. I would love to have someone outside the center to talk about the Diet Center Program.

It is interesting to hear about other success stories on the Diet Center Program. I am glad Diet Center is working as well for you ladies as it has been for me.

Melissa- client @ Diet Center in Germantown, TN

1 comment:

JD said...

Thank you for this information! I have been seeing the commercials on TV for Diet Center. I did not know if Diet Center worked or not. These postings have made me to decide to call TODAY! Do any of you know how much the program costs? My aunt did it and thought it was affordable, but I want to know how much to budget.

Thanks, Janie